At COPENHAGEN MUSE, we work seriously and ambitiously with CSR being fully aware of our responsibility as an actor in the fashion arena.

CSR is a complex matter, but we strive to make our communication, regarding new initiatives and developments in the area, as uncomplicated as possible. We have an honest approach and will communicate about the things that are going well and the areas that have proved more difficult than first anticipated. We have a positive approach. Each initiative is a step in the right direction and adds
energy and motivation to do even better.

In our CSR initiatives, we focus on the following
Sustainable Development Goals: 5. Gender Equality, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, 12. Responsible Consumption and Production, and 13. Climate Action.

Gender Equality

At COPENHAGEN MUSE, we focus on gender equality.
It is important to us that all genders have equal opportunities and work under the same terms and conditions. In our industry there are many women, and 2/3 of our skilled employees identify as women. Our business model is built around selling products for women. Therefore, it is natural for us to direct our focus on women's conditions, internally as well as in the factories and in our production chain.

In our offices, we have created conditions that ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to pursue ambitions and develop skills. Last but not least, through our products we want to support the empowerment of women, omen's positive self-image, and their right to be themselves.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

It is a major focus area of ours to ensure that our employees and the people who work for our suppliers have the best possible working conditions.

Through third-party audit programmes, we ensure that our suppliers live up to our Code of Conduct, including our equirements for working conditions, safety, hygiene, child labour, anti-corruption and animal welfare.

We have mapped our direct suppliers and segmented them according to importance and size, so that we know where to put the main part of our focus, especially in working with CSR. The next step is to map further back in the chain, to achieve increased traceability and broaden our CSR scope.

Responsible Consumption and Production

We recognise that we are in an industry that pollutes a lot, and we want to do our part in reducing the negative impact on our planet. Overall, it is important to us that our clothes are of good quality and long-lasting, thereby expanding the lifetime of each product.

In addition, we focus on our choice of qualities and fibres in our designs. And through the apping of fibres present in our products, we know the exact composition of natural, synthetic, cellulose-based and animal fibres. We focus on animal welfare and ensure that the materials we use in our products stem from animals that have been treated in accordance with
legislation and recommendations in the field.

We update our strategy regarding materials every year in order to set new ambitious goals, based on the latest research. The strategy is our guideline when we prepare new products and collections. Furthermore, it helps ensure that we constantly work to reduce our impact on people, animals and the environment. For the same reason, we also want to get the best and most reliable certifications within the industry.

Climate Action

We work seriously on reducing our environmental footprint throughout our value chain, both with our suppliers and in the offices, as described previously.

We will draw up an action plan, which will reveal how our offices can contribute to an increased climate effort that can be incorporated into everyday life. We are focused on reducing our production of physical samples part of the design process, as well as our consumption of plastic, paper and packaging. Therefore, all paper and cardboard used in the office or sent out of the house comes from responsible forestry, which includes printer paper, cardboard boxes, export cartons and hangtags, etc.

Code of Conduct

At Brands of Scandinavia, we have a Code of Conduct containing a set of rules and principles based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and key UN and International Labour Organisation conventions. All suppliers must sign the Code of Conduct to do business with Brands of Scandinavia. By signing the Code of Conduct suppliers pledge to uphold it content and adhere to standards within animal welfare, anti-corruption, chemicals, environmental protection, health, and safety as well as human rights and labour rights.

Read our Code of Conduct here


Since 2020, we have incorporated LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose fibers into our collections.

The responsible production of LENZING™ ECOVERO™ fibers uses at least 50% less
water and emits at least 50% less CO2 compared to generic viscose fibers, according to
Higg MSI*, thereby saving precious resources for future generations.

LENZING™ ECOVERO™ fibers are made from wood, a natural and renewable raw
material carefully sourced from responsibly managed forests. The wood taken from nature
is purposefully balanced with forest growth rates, to ensure the continued availability of
this valuable resource.

*The results were calculated
according to LCA standards (ISO 14040/44) and are made available via the Higg Materials Sustainability Index (MSI) by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (Version 3.7)

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Global Recycled Standard (GRS)

We are proud to officially announce that we are certified to the Global Recycled Standard. The GRS certification supports the verification and tracking of recycled materials in final products. The certification covers the entire supply chain and defines requirements of traceability, environmental principles, social requirements, reduction of chemical content and requirements for labeling. Upon receiving the GRS certification as a company, our next important step is to focus on producing GRS-certified products. To reach that goal, 50% of the composition must come from recycled materials.

What is the Global Recycled Standard?
The GRS certification supports the verification and tracking of recycled materials in final products. The certification covers the entire supply chain and defines requirements of traceability, environmental principles, social requirements, reduction of chemical content and requirements for labeling.

The main objectives of the GRS

  • Align definitions of “recycled” across different applications.
  • Verify recycled content in products.
  • Give brands and consumers a means to make informed buying decisions.
  • Reduce the harmful impact of production on people and the environment.
  • Provide assurance that products are processed in a more climate-friendly way.
  • Encourage higher proportions of recycled content in products.

Key guarantees of the GRS certificate

  • Reduction of the harmful impact of production on people and the environment.
  • Durably treated products.
  • Minimum 50% percentages of recycled material in products.
  • Responsible production.
  • Traceability of the products and materials.
  • Transparent communication.
  • Stakeholder engagement.

What does it take to keep the GRS-certification and produce GRS-certified garments?

Our company must undergo a yearly audit with an independent audit agency. To produce GRS-certified products every link in the supply chain must have its own Scope Certificate (SC) and a Transaction Certificate (TC) that follows the products on their journey from manufacturing to retail. With our GRS-certificate we also commit to producing a higher number of products containing recycled fibers.

License number: TE-00277739
Certified by EcoCert GreenLife

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